Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

1. The author has the right to submit his manuscript for consideration in terms of the possibility of its publication in the „Nafta-Gaz” monthly journal.
2. The author has the right at any stage to abstain from publishing his work in the „Nafta-Gaz” monthly journal, however:
a) depending on the advancement of the work of the publishing procedure, in the event of abstaining from publishing an article in „Nafta-Gaz”, the author will be charged with the costs incurred by the Editorial Office related to the editorial work, payment of reviewers, technical and linguistic corrections, the composition of the DTP.
b) in the event of abstention from the release of the article after the completion of the DTP, the author may not have to his/her disposal a layout of the submitted article and publish it in the layout in another publishing house.
3. The author has the right to submit amendments and comments to the editorial work and composition of the DTP and to expect the introduction of the absolutely necessary modifications to the text.
4. In the event of receiving two independent negative reviews of his/her article, the author has the right to appeal against the decision of the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief not to publish his academic article. The final decision in this matter belongs to the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors who, after consulting the reviewers assessing the given work, may change the initial decision.

1. The author is obliged to comply with the rules regarding publishing ethics set out by the Publishing House of INiG - PIB.
2. The author is required to provide the Editorial Office of the „Nafta-Gaz” monthly journal with the text in an electronic version together with graphic material prepared in accordance with the editorial's guidelines. INFORMATIONS FOR AUTHORS
3. The author is obliged to introduce or reject changes in the text after reviewers' comments within 2 weeks of receiving comments and maintaining an efficient contact with the Editorial Office at the internal and external corrections stages and at the DTP composition stage, in order to quickly make changes to the text.
More information on the author's responsibilities can be found in the Publication Ethics Statement

Information on the rules of preparing the text before sending it to the Editor can be found in the Information for Authors.