Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

KodeksThe Code of Good Practice of the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute is a reflection of the moral values that the employees of the Institute seek to pursue.

It is a model of behaviour and a set of guidelines which is used as a compass in ethically questionable situations and makes it possible to settle internal disputes. It allows us to specify the most important values and to choose the appropriate moral approach.

The code includes policies that apply to different business areas of the company.

srodowiskoThe Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute operates in unison and with respect for the natural environment by observing applicable environmental protection laws. Employees of the Institute take an active part in shaping legislation related to environmental protection. The Institute consciously plans and consistently pursues the policy of environmental stewardship by:
• segregating waste,
• collecting used batteries,
• collecting waste paper,
• proper storage of materials that are harmful and dangerous to the environment.

razemMany of the 370 staff employed by INiG-PIB are individualists and aficionados. At the Institute they have opportunities to share their interests by presenting their achievements in public. Photo galleries created by our employees can be viewed and interest clubs are being started. INiG-PIB employees take part in football matches and tennis and skiing competitions. Additionally, we celebrate St. Barbara's Day, Christmas and various anniversaries every year.

Oil and Gas Institute – the National Research Institute is held in high regard, and not only in the energy sector. It is seen as a reliable business partner and a trustworthy employer beyond the sector as well. While building the image of INiG-PIB, it is necessary to establish proper relations with the environment. We want to be both a trusted partner in business relations and "a good neighbour". We have launched a programme entitled "A Piece of Ourselves for Others", which is used to conduct charity campaigns, e.g. for the benefit of St. Lazarus Hospice in Cracow and the ALMA SPEI Foundation. We take part in the Noble Box Project, too.
We also run a campaign among our employees to encourage them to give 1% of their income tax to a charity.
The Institute gives a significant amount of cash to the Polish Red Cross every year to support its long-standing and much-appreciated activity. An integral part of our efforts to support non-governmental organisations is also organising charity collections for specific goals reported by individual organisations.

bosCorporate social responsibility (CSR) is a way of doing business where emphasis is put on the development of a strategy whose implementation will make it possible to achieve a balance between performance, increase in capital, and the social good. CSR understood in this way gives the ability not only to generate profits and build competitive advantage, but also to look into the future without worries.

In the colloquial sense, a socially responsible company is a company that is held in high regard, respects its employees, cares about their development, and occasionally decides to organise a charity campaign. However, it is more than just a good name and concern for the immediate environment. First and foremost, it is a well-thought-out and consistently implemented strategy that takes into account all activities and ensures the comprehensive treatment of the environment it operates in. An extremely important role in CSR is played by voluntary engagement. The essence of CSR is taking spontaneous action for the benefit of the broader society.

CSR is strongly associated with the strategy for sustainable development. It proposes to manage the company in such a manner that does not limit future generations' abilities to achieve their goals as a result of us pursuing our own developmental objectives. Business decisions should always take into account their potential effects on the environment, including nature. That is why the benefits from the application of the corporate responsibility strategy must be considered in the long term.

The effect of the proper application of CSR is also raising the level of organisational culture in the company. This makes it possible not only to improve relationships with the employees, but also to build proper relations with the external environment. The company gains credibility in this way, and the application of unified standards for all stakeholders in a given group helps build confidence and promotes the strengthening of business partnerships.

In accordance with CSR assumptions, the management efforts in the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute are guided not only by economic aspects, but they also put an emphasis on social, environmental and ecological matters. We focus on all groups in the company's immediate and distant environments; the ones currently in existence as well as the future ones spanning across generations. In practice, this means that what is important for INiG-PIB is not only today – "here and now" – but also tomorrow; not only us – the staff, our direct and indirect clients – but also our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.