Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Oil and Gas Institute - National Research Institute is one of the oldest research institutes in Poland. Its history dates back to November 29, 1944, when the State Petroleum Office issued a document authorizing the Oil Institute to be set up, with its headquarters in Krosno.

On January 7, 1945, the official opening of the Oil Institute took place, launching intensive activity to benefit the domestic oil and gas industry.

In 1948, the Oil Institute was moved to Krakow, leaving a branch in Krosno which has continued operating as part of the Institute to this day.

In March 1952, the Central Gas Engineering Laboratory (CGEL) was established in Warsaw. In 1970, the Laboratory was moved to Krakow and, in 1972, the Gas Engineering Institute was established on the basis of the CGEL; its headquarters were located in Krakow and there was a branch in Warsaw. 

In September 1958, the three departments of the Oil Institute dealing with crude oil processing were transferred to a large, modern laboratory complex at Łukasiewicza Street 1 in Krakow and subordinated to the Ministry of the Chemical Industry, as the Central Petroleum Technology Laboratory (CPTL). 

In 1962, the CPTL was merged with the Central Petroleum Products Laboratory in Warsaw.

In 1963, the Council of Ministers granted it the name of Petroleum Technology Institute, thus creating a unit with the rank of a research institute.

On December 31, 1975, as a result of the merger of the Oil Institute and the Gas Engineering Institute, the Oil Mining and Gas Engineering Institute (IGNiG) was established, with its headquarters on 25 A Lubicz Street in Krakow with branches in Krosno and Warsaw.

In 1993, under the Regulation by the Minister of Industry and Trade the Central Petroleum Laboratory in Warsaw was restructured and the Petroleum Technology Institute in Krakow was established.

On February 1, 2004, under an Ordinance of the Minister of Economy, Labour and Social Policy, the Oil Mining and Gas Engineering Institute was renamed as Oil and Gas Institute.

On January 1, 2008, on the basis of the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy dated October 3, 2007, the Institute of Petroleum Processing was incorporated into Oil and Gas Institute - National Research Institute. From that day on, the Institute has been covering all aspects dealing with crude oil and natural gas, including the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs, the underground storage, transport, distribution and utilization of natural gas, crude oil, and petroleum products, and the development and improvement of liquid fuel production technology.

On October 25, 2013, under an Ordinance of The Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 278/KAT/2013, INiG-PIB received the scientific category A.

In 2015 the Institute celebrated its 70th anniversary.